About the Education for Peace in Iraq Center

Mission Statement: Working to improve humanitarian conditions in Iraq through education and advocacy in the U.S.
The Press Room: View past press releases, news stories featuring EPIC, and published opinion pieces by EPIC staff.
Who is EPIC? EPIC Staff, Volunteers and Board
Working with EPIC: new! Find out more about volunteering or interning at EPIC’s D.C. office.
Donate to EPIC: Keep EPIC’s education and advocacy alive!
Join EPIC: Become part of the growing movement of advocates for the Iraqi people.
EPIC’s Website: Find out more about this website.

What is EPIC?
The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving humanitarian conditions in Iraq and defending the human rights of the Iraqi people. EPIC works toward these objectives through the education and involvement of Americans in a national dialogue about Iraq, a nation caught between the repression of Saddam Hussein and U.S.-led enforcement of crippling United Nations sanctions. Between 1991 and 1998, economic sanctions contributed to the deaths of half a million Iraqi children under the age of five (UNICEF 1999). The citizens of Iraq are further disadvantaged by a lack of American awareness and compassion about their plight, especially in Washington.
With the U.S. poised on the brink of another war with Iraq, EPIC seeks peaceful alternatives to effectively address legitimate U.S. security concerns and to finally end the humanitarian crisis.
EPIC works to achieve these goals through three main programs – Advocacy (including the Iraq Forum and Lobby Days), Media, and the Iraq Speakers Bureau. Each uses education and advocacy to effect progressive change in American public opinion and U.S. policy toward Iraq.
Supporting Epic
Children from Baghdad. This is who we advocate for.The children of Iraq – this is who we advocate for. And generous donations of time and money from thousands of people across the U.S. and Canada have made it possible. EPIC is an effective educational and advocacy organization thanks to contributions from members like you, from several small grants and from fees for services. With a small and highly experienced staff team, EPIC is the only Iraq-focused organization of its kind in Washington, DC. EPIC works in coalition with other organizations to bring pressure on media and politicians to consider the humanitarian consequences of U.S. policy abroad. Together – and with your help – we can make a difference for these and the next generations in Iraq.
Find out more about giving to EPIC and how you can make a tax deductible contribution click here.

Epic’s Website
This website always improving for youEPIC’s volunteer webmasters are busy redesigning EPIC’s website to make it easier for you to navigate and easier to the EPIC office to update. In the meantime, if you can’t find something that was posted on EPIC’s old site, just email. We will also archive the old site. Note that this webmaster is looking for help so if you write html and javascript or know perl, php, and other cgi technologies and would like to volunteer your services please email Jeff!